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8 votes

Recommendation for a molecular biology book that explains how we know what we know

You may want to try A History of Molecular Biology by Michel Morange, it is currently in its third edition, It will not cover everything (proteins are discovered much earlier), you are asking for a ...
John's user avatar
  • 15.1k
7 votes

Books for learning how plants function

I wanted to comment because I don't think my answer will be the best, but I can't because of my low reputation... Anyway, here are two suggestions: Plant Physiology and Development, by Lincoln Taiz, ...
justdoit's user avatar
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7 votes

Resource recommendation: a good book explaining and evaluating the evidence for evolution?

I like "The Darwinian Revolution" by Michael Ruse. It's far more of a history book than a science book. It won't get into the nitty gritty of evidence from molecular biology and modern ...
Bryan Krause's user avatar
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6 votes

Text Book Recommendation: Organic Evolution

Organic Evolution - Definition 'Organic evolution' was a common term. It is just rarely used today. Today, we just say 'evolution' or 'evolutionary biology' when referring to the field of study of '...
Remi.b's user avatar
  • 68.3k
6 votes

Recommendation of Ecology books

A classic standard textbook that I've used a lot myself (earlier editions) is Begon, Harper & Townsend. This book is very broad and comprehensive, but I know that some students dislike it's back-...
fileunderwater's user avatar
5 votes

Neuroscience book recommendations

I don't have enough rep yet to comment on your question, but I have read the whole of Kandel's Principles of Neural Science in 2nd year of med school (last year) and I thoroughly enjoyed all of it! I ...
Michael Paul's user avatar
5 votes

Plant identification: San Francisco, USA

I'm going to refrain from giving you the answers because the point of the assignment is to learn how to do it yourself. You should likely start by using a dichotomous key (likely provided by your ...
theforestecologist's user avatar
5 votes

Are there any anatomy books focusing on etymology?

Though a little bit outdated looking this from the university of Sydney is pretty good and searchable. I find it pretty useful for aiding memorisation or just a quick entertaining read. Arnold's ...
Benedict Claxton Stevens's user avatar
5 votes

Resource recommendation: a good book explaining and evaluating the evidence for evolution?

I can name a few Your inner fish by Neil Shubin is probably the most inviting for a layman. Just be aware the first chapter is about Shubin personal story and the discovery of Tiktaalik. It is greater ...
John's user avatar
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4 votes

Jamaican/Caribbean insect, plant identification keys/field guides

I've never been to nor botanized Jamaica or the Caribbean, but a quick Google search turned up the following references for Jamaican plants: Iremonger, S., 2002. Guide to the Plants in the Blue ...
theforestecologist's user avatar
4 votes

Learn Bioconductor the hard way!

I recommend the DESeq2 tutorial at: I think this is a good start for you because: DESeq2 is a very popular package. You'll learn how exactly a ...
SmallChess's user avatar
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4 votes

Recommendation of Ecology books

Ecology Textbooks: Molles, M.C. 2010. Ecology: Concepts and Applications. Fifth edition. McGraw-Hill. New York, NY. p. 572. I'd say this is the "standard" undergraduate textbook. Those ...
theforestecologist's user avatar
4 votes

Text Book Recommendation: Cell & Molecular Biology + Organic Chemistry

Given your requirements I would go for the Alberts for molecular cell biology. For organic chemistry, in my opinion, there is no better book then the Clayden. It is targeted at OC students but I - as ...
AlexDeLarge's user avatar
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3 votes

Recommendation for a molecular biology book that explains how we know what we know

As a master of science in molecular biology. I would recommend getting the two books. Biochemistry by Stryer Molecular Biology of the cell by Alberts et al. Those two together are the course books ...
Jeppe Nielsen's user avatar
3 votes

Book recommendation: protocols and recipes handbook for molecular biology / biochemistry

I know you are asking for books, but for up-to-date basic overview of how some methods work - I would try websites or YouTube instead of textbooks... One good website is BiteSizeBio. They have their ...
CuriousTree's user avatar
3 votes

Book recommendation: protocols and recipes handbook for molecular biology / biochemistry

Some protocols are not going out of style anytime soon, such as: Frederick M. Ausubel, Roger Brent, Robert E. Kingston, David D. Moore, J. G. Seidman, John A. Smith, Kevin Struhl (2002) Short ...
z1273's user avatar
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3 votes

Resource recommendation: a good book explaining and evaluating the evidence for evolution?

I think libraries have been filled on the topic of evolution - it is an immensely broad field of study and can be looked at from a geological time scale (millions of years) to a much smaller scale ...
AliceD's user avatar
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3 votes

Molecular biology - Lewin's Gene Xi vs Molecular Biology of the Cell by bruce albert

They are both good books and standard texts, but they are not equivalent. Albert's "Molecular Biology of the Cell" is an overview of many aspects of cell biology: metabolism, genetics, ...
Charles E. Grant's user avatar
3 votes

What is the best way to learn about gene regulation?

I would not learn from the primary literature, the terminology will likely be confusing and there will be a tendency to conflate whatever the current methods are with the concepts. I'd suggest going ...
Maximilian Press's user avatar
2 votes

Recommend good conversational books to learn about cell and developmental biology or biochemisty?

Please try reading 'Principles of development' by Lewi Wolpret. This book explains the general concepts in develpmental biology beautifully. Invertebrate models like dorsophilia and zebrafish are used ...
Sharanya Sunderamoorthy's user avatar
2 votes

Source of information on the evolution of aging/senescence

I don't know about just one source that fits everything you've asked, so here's a custom bibliography to get you started instead. General Sources I first learned about biogerontology from the ...
David Bahry's user avatar
2 votes

Mechanism of RNA synthesis by RNA polymerase

I have found an article which describes all the major steps of the mechanism of working of RNA polymerase II. Since the article is too long, I'd rather put the main points here. You can read the ...
another 'Homo sapien''s user avatar
2 votes

Books on machine learning applications in Biology

At NIPS 2016 most ANN implementations I saw were related to biology were trained on imaging data, thus the kind of comprehensive book you are looking for probably doesn't exist yet. However, if you ...
virtualxtc's user avatar
2 votes

Recommendation of Ecology books

Let me provide a second answer that summarizes the responses given by a number of ecologists from all over the world. These ecologists gave the below responses to a similar question asked on ECOLOG on ...
theforestecologist's user avatar
2 votes

Resource for learning analysis of sequence data via QIIME 2

The QIIME 2 tutorials are the place to get started - see here.
gregcaporaso's user avatar
2 votes

Book on current state of knowledge on the genetics of intelligence

A very recent review has been written on this. See Plomin, von Stumm (2018): The new genetics of intelligence. For some of the latest genome-wide association studies, see: Hill, et al (2017): A ...
Eff's user avatar
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