6 votes

Why do chickens continuously lay unfertilized eggs?

Chickens are domesticated Red Jungle Fowl. In the wild, Red Jungle Fowl live in flocks with one rooster for every few hens (where "few" is probably less than five in the wild, though in zoos flocks ...
iayork's user avatar
  • 14.2k
5 votes

"Air sac" and "air cell" in a chicken embryo

According to Atlas of Chick Development by Ruth Bellairs and Mark Osmond, a book I'm using for my developmental biology course : Air space is the space between the two shell membranes at the blunt ...
Tyto alba's user avatar
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4 votes

Can a chicken really be hatched outside of the egg?

Yes it is real, in the sense that this protocol has been through a peer reviewed journal. Note that the embryo is developing outside the shell, not outside the egg. It is the fertilized egg that ...
WYSIWYG's user avatar
  • 35.6k
3 votes

Can I breed the most productive hen by hatching eggs from the most productive ones?

In theory yes, so long as you maintain genetic variation within your flock of hens (e.g. by bringing in outsider males to prevent inherited diseases spreading), artificial selection will lead to a ...
Oliver Houston's user avatar
2 votes

Exact meaning of the term "clutch"

A clutch usually refers to all the eggs for a single reproductive event or laying or location. It can mean either all those laid by one organisms in one event or all those laid in a population in a ...
John's user avatar
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1 vote

Exact meaning of the term "clutch"

Well, strictly speaking from an etymological viewpoint, a clutch is: "a brood, the number of eggs incubated at any one time," in reference to chickens, 1721, a southern England dialectal variant ...
theforestecologist's user avatar
1 vote

Where can I upload non-human Genotype data?

I don't think that it is necessary to upload to a specialist or targeted repository if none are obvious. For some data types there is an obvious repository such as dbSNP. It does not sound like such ...
Maximilian Press's user avatar

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