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5 votes

What insect is this? There are a lot of them in my apartment, but they don't seem to be either cockroaches or spiders

These look like spider beetles. see here Spider beetles are about 1-5mm long and there are 70 species of them here in N America. here's more info from whatsthatbug. "They belong to the family ...
Rich's user avatar
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2 votes

What may these eggs belong to?

Just did a snap Google search for "assassin bug eggs" and the images that came up were very reminiscent of yours; here's a link to a good article with an image:
Sir Thinksalot's user avatar
1 vote

Is this a harmful insect?

Seems like a species of true bug. Some, like bed bugs or assassin bugs are harmful, but this one doesn't particularly resemble any of those.
Sir Thinksalot's user avatar

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