9 votes

How does body fat leave your body?

Many of the statements in your question are false, including your ideas about waste products. Ultimately, fats, just like carbohydrates, end up as water and carbon dioxide if they are used in ...
Bryan Krause's user avatar
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8 votes

Why are fatty acids consisting of even number of carbons predominant?

In short, it's because fatty acids are made from two-carbon blocks. The way that most organisms make fatty acids is by the successive addition of two-carbon units (acetyl-CoA). So we usually get ...
julianstanley's user avatar
6 votes

Why are fatty acids synthesized in two carbon units?

The answer to this question lies in the chemistry of fatty acid synthesis — specifically the chemical energetics of the reactions. For those new to the biochemistry there is a basic concept that must ...
David's user avatar
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3 votes

How can an enzyme favor even chained fatty acids?

The first experiment which showed that fatty acids are oxidized in C2-units has been done by Georg Franz Knoop and been published 1904 as "Der Abbau aromatischer Fettsäuren im Tierkörper.". The paper ...
Chris's user avatar
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1 vote

Fate of Acetyl CoA in well fed state?

As Roland mentioned in the comments, in the well fed state, not all of the Acyl coA is converted to Acetyl coA. This picture from Harper's Biochemistry, 29th, should come handy. It is the CPT-1 ...
Polisetty's user avatar
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