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What does lymph actually look like?

This seems to be one of rare actual photos of lymph online (suggested in the comment above): Image: Lymph (source: IJCRI - Case Reports Journal)‎ This particular lymph (or "lymph fluid" or "...
Jan's user avatar
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3 votes

Why do veins contain lower concentration of proteins as compared to arteries?

lower concentration of proteins/amino acids/fatty acids/other named nutrient This answer key wants to allow an answer that the blood at Y has fewer nutrients than the blood at X because you should ...
Bryan Krause's user avatar
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Does vaccination lead to short-term secondary infection suceptibility?

Mechanisms exist that could explain a higher susceptibility to virus B after or during a an infection of virus A, e.g. via targeted inhibition of anti-viral cellular mechanisms. In general, however, ...
KaPy3141's user avatar
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How does bone marrow acts like a valve?

First of all, though bone marrow is not considered a part of lymphatic system because it is not connected to lymph vessels, yet it is the site of production of both B- and T-lymphocytes and is thus ...
another 'Homo sapien''s user avatar
1 vote

Are there fundamental differences between the adaptive immune systems of higher primates and other mammals?

I am not aware of a discriminatory feature between primates and all other mammals. However, there are significant differences for some animals. For example, the anti bodies of camelids and sharks ...
user152314's user avatar
1 vote

What is tissue gel?

In the question, "tissue gel" clearly refers to "proteoglycan filaments and the fluid entrapped within them" and which appears in the interstitial space. This is the same as what the Wikipedia ...
Jan's user avatar
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How is cartilage immunised?

I also had this relevant problem, when I was learning about cartilage tissue. Generally, cartilage tissue has no blood supply. But it is a traversable tissue, therefore nutrients, and breathing ...
Osal Thuduwage's user avatar
1 vote

How does the lymphatic system filter blood?

The spleen is an integral part of the lymphatic system, and it is a major filter of blood. The way this is done is by removing old, distorted, or antibody-coated red blood cells from circulation. ...
anongoodnurse's user avatar
1 vote

white blood cells and cancer cells transport through lymphatic vessels

The "valves" are basically one way valves that just prevent backflow of interstitial fluid from the lymph into the interstitial space, so they do not specifically affect the flux of WBCs, cancer cells,...
Purab Patel's user avatar

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