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augurar's user avatar
augurar's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
33 votes

What do ants do with human finger nails?

13 votes

How many cells does the smallest animal have?

7 votes

Do flies actually take off backwards?

6 votes

What is difference between breed, variant, subspecies and species?

5 votes

Are domesticated animals really "more intelligent," or is that a myth/misunderstanding?

5 votes

What is this dried animal for sale?

4 votes

Which are mobile and immobile elements in plants?

4 votes

Is there evidence to suggest that nutrients in vitamin capsules are not as readily absorbed as the same nutrients in whole foods?

4 votes

Difference between protozoa, protists, protoctista?

4 votes

Advantage of opponent color?

3 votes

Why don't most animals have "heads" in the middle of their bodies?

3 votes

What makes animal to continually reproduce?

2 votes

Wheatgrass in thalassaemia

2 votes

Can electricity be harvested from the soil around plants?

2 votes

Non-harmful bacterial invasion of cells

1 vote

Is Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) isohydric or anisohydric species?