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Retardi Grade's user avatar
Retardi Grade
  • Member for 5 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
  • Austria
9 votes

What causes cells to inactivate one X-chromosome?

7 votes

What does it mean to have square brackets around a genus name?

2 votes

Which cultivated plants produce most nectar for pollinators?

2 votes

What software do I need to read-write cas9? and .dna files?

2 votes

Why do germs live longer on surfaces than on skin?

2 votes

Can someone explain this phenomena?

2 votes

Effects of tobacco smoke on plant health

1 vote

Why have ground beetles never evolved the ability to get back up?

1 vote

Maximum biologically possible age for a human being?

1 vote

Can anyone identify this insect from India?

1 vote

Why does X inactivation happen?

1 vote

Are there biological reasons why life expectancy is lower for men in most countries of the world?

1 vote

Is reverse senescence/"anti-aging" actually scientifically possible among humans yet?

1 vote

What is the scientific name of this parrot?

1 vote

Unknown plant, please help me identify it

0 votes

Protein function and how it does not get affected with amino acid

-1 votes

How are new antigens recognised by the body?

-1 votes

What is this 5"-across spider found in my bedroom in France?

-1 votes

How does injecting low doses of allergens cure allergies?