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Alex Stone's user avatar
Alex Stone
  • Member for 12 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 6 years ago
2 votes

Can parts of a human brain be asleep independently of each other, or vary in the times required for them to fall asleep?

1 vote

Do male animals visually perceive females as more/less attractive?

1 vote

Why do men grow facial hair?

6 votes

What is the mechanism responsible for the periodicity of hiccups?

12 votes

How does an embryo know where to grow limbs etc

1 vote

What happens to human dopaminergic reward system once a teenager becomes adult?

1 vote

How to design an experiment with scent triggered memory recall in humans?

4 votes

Why do we dream while sleeping?

1 vote

Can animals, like monkeys, be homosexual?

2 votes

Is there a normal human melatonin concentration to light level curve?

0 votes

How is human biological clock modelled in modern science?

0 votes

Do omnivore mammals vary food preferences based on dietary needs?

0 votes

What is the biological basis for a human's ability to think clearly and be aware while "fighting/competing"?

0 votes

Is there a circadian component to hunger?

4 votes

Is there any biological reason that professional swimming is dominated by white people?

1 vote

When to measure resting heart rate and blood pressure for following day-to-day trend?