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L.B.'s user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 5 months
  • Last seen this week
14 votes

How long can human tissue last without blood?

0 votes

What is a good source that will help me classify protists?

5 votes

Similarity between a heart attack and a spasm

-2 votes

Effects of lactic acid ingestion

4 votes

A good textbook on GMO

0 votes

How does menstruation proceed during one period?

4 votes

Do blind people learn Braille equally fast as the sighted?

1 vote

Books for beginners

1 vote

Can a person be infected with HIV viruses without contacting them by person-related stuffs?

0 votes

Can human survive falling from 30,000 ft without a chute?

1 vote

Identifying internal structures of dissected fish

-1 votes

Can children restore brain cells?

20 votes

Can a person really die quickly from biting their tongue?

-2 votes

Are hens and roosters the same species?