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Timeline for Why asexual reproduction?

Current License: CC BY-SA 3.0

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Jan 21, 2016 at 18:45 comment added AMR I would also probably bold your entire third paragraph. I know we disagree about paragraph 4, but resistant SA mutants likely already existed in the population well before Fleming worked out how to extract Penicillin. Remember that SA and P. rubens have been an arms race for millions or even billions of years, so if P. rubens had a chemical to defend against SA, there were likely already SA in the population that had resistance to it.
Jan 21, 2016 at 18:38 comment added AMR You forgot to mention that one part of the Yeast life cycle is sexual. You can have a mating type cells fusing with alpha mating type cells to produce a diploid cell. When resources are scares the diploid yeast undergo meiosis form an ascus with four haploid spores, two a-type and two alpha. They go through meiotic recombination the same as multicellular organisms. It is felt that this is done to increase genetic diversity and improve survival chances during times of unfavorable growing conditions.
Jan 18, 2015 at 1:51 history answered anongoodnurse CC BY-SA 3.0