I just wanted to say that I believe you're seeing it from a quite anthropocentricalanthropocentric standpoint. It doesn't make much sense to search for patterns like even or odd numbers of fingers or limbs.
InIf evolutionary termstends to result in bilateral symmetry, there is no reason at all why the symmetry should be inconsistent - like 4 fingers on one hand and 5 on the other.
So, no matter where you search for inconsistencies, youConsistent bilateral symmetry will always findresult in even numbers:
- 4 fingers x2 = 108
- 7 ribs x2 = 14
- 5 toes x2 = 10
The Eleven Armed Sea Star in @Oreotrephes' answer isn't much of an exception to the rule of symmetry, it's just centricallyradially symmetric.