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Timeline for Cause of Obesity

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Aug 5, 2019 at 16:07 history edited jeremiah CC BY-SA 4.0
clarification of answer to satisfy objections.
Aug 5, 2019 at 13:18 comment added jeremiah @Bryan Krause. With respect, sometimes an answer requires a different philosophical perspective, particularly when the principal foundation of the traditional answer is merely a prevailing philosophical view. At the same time, it is not my intention here to expatiate thus.In this case, a good well considered question was asked and because it was roundly derided, I answered it myself in the hope of elucidating the idea. As you now see, there is good evidence that the idea has merit. I do wish therefore that you would please not continue to attack this and other questions; rather answer them.
Aug 5, 2019 at 13:09 comment added Bryan Krause @jeremiah I think you misunderstand the purpose of this stack. It is not to propose philosophical ideas, but rather to answer specific questions with referenced, scientific answers.
Aug 5, 2019 at 9:48 comment added jeremiah So, I suppose what I'm trying to say is that while I can appreciate the traditional theory of evolution, I simply cannot accept it philosophically; and am therefore compelled to take a broader view; which happily leads to what I find to be a more satisfactory explanation of phenomena, and of the intricacies of empirical observation; in particular the structure and function of DNA, and its dynamic of replication and transcription. Eventually, the underlying physics itself of that dynamic will be demonstrated to conform to that of a 'unitary universal wave principle' operating ubiquitously.QED.
Aug 5, 2019 at 9:36 comment added jeremiah ..for what other reason does reality exist? It simply conceives of that operation in another way. It does not for example understand base mutations to be other than orderly transitions in the configuration of DNA conforming to the exigencies of that principle which indeed also tend to preserve the basic structure of that genome. Nor does it separate organism and niche in the ordinary way;affording a much greater importance to epigenetic function, and therefore to the heritability of genetic potential, thus 'adaptability' which is inseparable from the memory of environment continuous with it.
Aug 5, 2019 at 9:25 comment added jeremiah The answer is carefully written to separate the quite plausible rational if also arguable idea that some recent modern influence apart from the ready availability of KFC etc. might be responsible for what is undoubtedly an epidemic of obesity in Westernised societies--for example, some disruption in leptin function which may at the same time amount to the establishment of an evolutionary advantage in dealing with POPs--, from the later expression of a philosophical view of the circumstance itself of such a condition.That view does not deny the operation of an evolutionary principle, for what..
Aug 5, 2019 at 9:12 comment added jeremiah @BryanKrause. The gulf between our views is probably too great to bridge here; however, since it is essentially philosophical, I would humbly request that you regard it as such.
Aug 5, 2019 at 9:04 comment added jeremiah entirely necessary and intrinsic part of nature: in this view nature, reality itself, simply CANNOT EVER be in error, regardless of how things may appear locally or temporarily. What appears as a error or deficiency in one aspect of a Unitary Universal Principle represents only the incapacity on our part to determine its greater context. Neither is this a new idea; anyone familiar with Schopenhauer for example, to cite a modern thinker, knows this. However, in modern times, the implications of such a view are far more troublesome to an ethos of scientific manipulation than previously.
Aug 5, 2019 at 8:56 comment added jeremiah Of course the hypothesis is unproven, nor have I supposed or stated otherwise; but I believe that part of the purpose of forums such as this is to air such ideas among those with the where withal and inclination to pursue them. That latter part of my answer is intended only to express a particular philosophical perspective--just a form of old-fashioned determinism really, newly expressed--, the implication of which is that whatever mechanism is finally established for the effect that in the modern day, there are some who simply cannot satisfy their appetites, it is nonetheless an entirely..
Aug 5, 2019 at 8:50 comment added jeremiah @user1136. The reason for the post was to ascertain whether this was an original idea; since my suspicion is that it seems too obvious a connection not to have been conceived and studied previously; there were no references which I could find. As such, the reference from a 2014 paper demonstrates that it is neither a novel idea nor without foundation, in spite of the previous reception of the question here. Moreover, there would seem considerable potential to investigate the idea that it is such a derangement in leptin metabolism which is at the root of obesity, if only to understand it.
Aug 4, 2019 at 16:41 comment added Bryan Krause This answer is frankly terrible and one of the worst ones I have seen on this site. I would normally recommend adding references but I don't think even that can save it from all the illogical tangents and wrong statements. Universal unity? Unitary soul? A complete lack of any understanding of evolution?
Aug 4, 2019 at 12:14 history edited jeremiah CC BY-SA 4.0
clarification of answer
May 4, 2018 at 9:41 history answered jeremiah CC BY-SA 4.0