For example, out of every 1000 eggs laid, X mature into drones and/or virgin queens. That seems impossibly precise but it illustrates the kind of number I want well. I'll accept answers for any species and any number of species, even one, with any amount of precision or lack thereof, because right now I can't even feel confident saying that there are more workers or more breeders, though I obviously suspect more workers.
I would also be ecstatic to have any live count just before the nuptial flight, i.e. for this colony in this study there were X workers, Y drones, and Z virgin queens just before the nuptial flight, or X workers and (Y+Z) breeders, or X% of the colony was breeders, or for this species on average X% are breeders just before the nuptial flight.
Anything. Any one thing and I can accept it as an answer.
I can find any number of studies that talk about the sex ratio between drones and virgin queens, so I know someone is counting. Maybe I'm not reading closely enough, but they always seem to slip away from giving all the numbers I need to figure this out for myself.