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How many genes do we share with our mother?
I went to a lecture that talked about the behavior of social insects in terms of their relatedness of genes. For instance, workers were 3/4ths related to each other, so it was in their gene's interest to care for each other instead of having their own, half-related offspring.
However isn't it the case that members of the same species are much more related than 1/2 or 3/4s? I've read that we share anywhere from 95-99% of our genes with chimpanzees. Also I believe I've read (perhaps in Pinker) that we share some 60% of our genes with daffodils.
So when they talk about the relatedness of social insects, and they say it's 1/2 or 2/3 or 1/4, aren't they really talking about the 1% to 5% of genes that are in play in sexual reproduction within the species? In other words, aren't I 97% + 1/2 * 3% related to my sister, assuming human beings share 97% of our genes?