I'm a little bit confused about the influence of pH on proteins.
Increasing or lowering the ph will give the protein a net positive or net negative charge, respectively. However a lower pH or higher pH will cause the protein to denaturate --> more hydrophobic amino acids will become free to interact between different proteins --> less solubilty.
let's clarify my question
take a look at the following figure:
this figure indicates that a lower or higher pH then the Pi will increae the protein solubility.
However the Introduction to [this][2] article, for example, cites papers to support the following statement:
Changes in pH are shown to trigger formation of amyloid fibers and aggregation
the figure and the article are inconsistent in my opinion, so I'm definitly missing something. The first figure indicates that protein solubilty will increase when the pH becomes higher (then the pI). However the article statement indicates that an increase in pH will cause the proteins to aggregate, so lowering solubilty right?