Well, maybe this is a question more suited to Stack Overflow, but anyway, I am curious, which insect is the one in the logo of the PHP bugs site? Is it an actual insect or just a generic "bug"?
It seems like some kind of Hemiptera for me, probably some kind of "true bug". A quick google search about these insects and I found the Hemiptera suborder Heteroptera, and this critter is probably from this group.
I tried to search by the image in google images, but only found the logo itself, in the same low resolution is the image above (I was not able to find a better version of it). I tried to remove the background from the image then, but still I didn't get any photo of the possible species of this logo.
EDIT: this was the PHP bugs logo up until 24th July 2017; the next day it was changed to another different "bug". This question is about the former logo, not the current one.