
Sighted in West London, July 23rd., 2022. The weather was cool and overcast. I could only get a picture of the underwing, but the upper wing was orange towards the head, and white towards the tail, with a black eyespot in the orange section

Sighted in West London, July 23rd., 2022..

I have tried a Google image search, but I am not finding any results among common UK or European species. The Orange Tip is not a world away, but the underwing is quite different. Could this be a rare visitor? Size, perhaps 4 cm from head to tail.


1 Answer 1


It's a moth, specifically a Jersey Tiger Moth - can be seen in parts of the UK, more usually the south west, though it seems to be spreading more within the UK. Info here https://butterfly-conservation.org/moths/jersey-tiger

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