An article on bioRxiv, Evaluation of heating and chemical protocols for inactivating SARS-CoV-2, recommends certain treatments to inactivate SARS-Cov-2 for lab work.
The abstract notes: "Although heating protocol consisting of 92°C-15min was more effective rather than 56°C-30min and 60°C-60min to achieve 6-log reduction, it is not amenable for molecular detection on respiratory specimens because of important decrease of detectable RNA copies in the treated sample vs untreated sample."
Do I understand correctly that 56C/30min is broadly as effective as 60C/60min? Given that 56C from previous research seems to be more effective than 22C, I would have expected 60C to require less time to achieve a similar effect to 56C. Especially with 92C/15min being more effective still, though more disruptive.
I'm curious what the explanation may be why effectivity might drop between 56 and 92C. Or why I may be misunderstanding the temperature/time scales. Please keep it simple. Thank you.