I'm trying to understand how isotopes can tell me something about the charge of the different peaks. This pdf file mentioned the following about isotopes in correlation with the charge of the peaks:
If the mass spectrometer you are working with has sufficient resolution look at the isotopes, a singly charged ion will show isotopic peaks that differ by 1 mass unit, a doubly charged ion will show peaks that differ by 0.5 mass units and so on. This is another way to deduce the charge state of a peak and thus the mass.
So let's suppose the spectrometer has a sufficient resolution to look at the different isotopes. It's not really clear for me at which peak I have to start. So to summarize my questions realted to this topic:
- Which peak do I have to look at when determining the charge based on the isotope distribution?
- Why would the peaks differ 0.5 mass units (see above)?
source: http://mascot.proteomix.org/help/mass_accuracy_help.html
When looking at the above graph, there is a difference of 1 amu between the different peaks.
- What do the isotopes have to do with the charge?
- What does this charge (and isotope distribution) tells us about the peak on which we zoomed in to create the above graph?