In the article How Spike Generation Mechanisms Determine the Neuronal Response to Fluctuating Inputs, I read (p.11629)
I have four questions concerning some formulations:
What is "the membrane time constant" if this depends on the membrane resistance and capacitance which varies over the membrane? Maybe "local membrane time constant"? Or "mean membrane time constant"?
What do the authors probably mean with "instantaneous postsynaptic currents"? Occurring at the same time all over the dendritic tree?
What do they probably mean with "exponentially decaying synaptic currents"? The decaying of the PSPs while travelling down the dendritic tree?
What's the relation between "synaptic decay time constant" and "membrane time constant"?
(Having digested the paragraph a bit more, another - probably more accurate - reading of "instantaneous" came to my mind: "starting and ending abruptly with the abrupt opening and closing of the ion channel".)