This article explains that scientists managed to change the DNA of adult laboratory mice with an inherited liver disease, thereby curing them of the disease.
The change in the liver is not be a change in physical size and shape, instead it was a change in the liver metabolism.
If we used this same method to edit our hair follicles, could we alter our hair color? The new hairs would have altered DNA, and come out a different color depending on what the cells have been altered to.
And then, is it possible to change the physical size and shape of a living animal by editing DNA? For example, if an animal has porous and small bones, is it plausible that we could edit its DNA so that its bones start to become more dense and thick? The physical appearance of the living animal would be changed, since the bones are larger than before.
Along these lines, could we then edit DNA of an adult human to change bone structure so that we have sharper noses? Larger eyes?