The equation for biosynthesis is
1 Acetyl-CoA + 7 Malonyl-CoA + 14 NADPH + 14H+ -> Palmitate + 7 CO2 + 14 NADP+ + 8HS-CoA + 6 H2O
I really don't understand how there is only 6 H2O produced... and not 7?
Every cycle, there is the condensation of one molecule of water.
The first turn yields a 4 carbon molecules. Since palmitate is a 16C fatty acid, and two carbons are added each turn, there should be 6 turns remaining, for a total of 7 turn.
All the other numbers seem right. At first I thought my teacher could have made a mistake but everywhere I look on the net, it say 6 H2O.
Someone has an explanation for this?
Thank you :)
Edit: I found the answer in Voet & Voet yesterday. I add it here in case it can help someone else!
At the end of the biosynthesis, the palmitate is bonded with the Acyl-Carrier Protein (ACP) and it takes an hydrolysis to separate it, hence the missing H2O.