The New York Times article In Mozambique, a Living Laboratory for Nature’s Renewal discusses reintroduction of what the article calls only "African wild dogs" into Gorongosa National Park in Mozambique.
I was taken aback by the "smile" of one of the dogs shown below. Though I'm not particularly familiar with canine dental situations, this looks like an awfully large number of teeth. Is there a known limit to the number of teeth wild African dogs (or any canine) can have?
above: "A wild dog in Gorongosa. One pack has been reintroduced, and a second will be brought in next year.CreditBrett Kuxhausen/Gorongosa Media, via Associated Press" Cropped, from NYTimes.
above: "Wild dogs, apex predators missing from Gorongosa National Park for decades, have been reintroduced and are slowly making a comeback, part of an ongoing experiment in reviving the park ecosystem after years of devastating war.CreditBrett Kuxhausen/Gorongosa Media, via Associated Press" From NYTimes.