Just learning about biotechnological techniques of gene transfer at the moment. With bacterial plasmid recombination, from a high-school level, we are taught that:
- The desired gene is cut using a particular restriction enzyme
- The plasmid from the host is also cut using the same restriction enzyme
- The desired gene is inserted into the space that was cut out from the plasmid.
- The plasmid is put back into the bacteria and the gene can now be expresesd.
This makes logical sense.
With microinjection, however, we are taught that the gene is just directly injected into the cell using a needle and that it somehow manages to use it? How does that actually work? How does the extra gene just somehow get put into the existing DNA without cutting out a section like you have to do in plasmid recombination? Furthermore, if you can just insert the DNA into the cell with microinjection without all of the hassle of precise "copying and pasting" done in plasmid recombination, then what is the point of using plasmid recombination?