I want to find the definition of Coordinated effects
in the paper enter the matrix link the author defines "Complex biological process" as
coregulation or coordinated effect of multiple molecular species resulting in one or more phenotypes. Examples can range from activation of multiple proteins in a single cellular signaling pathway to epistatic regulation of development.
I gathered that coregulation refers to the Transcription coregulator link
In molecular biology and genetics, transcription coregulators are proteins that interact with transcription factors to either activate or repress the transcription of specific genes.
But the term coordinated effect eludes me. Does it refer to the Coordination complex? And what is the context in biology? Several papers mention the coordinated effect but fail to define what it is.
Biology and genetics are new to me; I need more understanding of the general field. Naturally, the term might be standard, but it is just puzzling.
coordinated effect
. Even with brain krause comment an example is better than a definition. my argument still holds that the termcoordinated effect
is not defined in the paper and merely an example was given. Finally, arguing that examples are better do not help the reader understand the term. @acvill actually explained the term in the context $\endgroup$