I have developed a habit of keeping culture plates always inverted, especially those of non-selective media. This precaution is followed after the poured plate is placed inverted in the incubator for 24hr to dry and test for contaminants. The reason is that I'm afraid when the plate is opened for streaking or subculturing, some contaminants might fall on the lid which is not given as much care as the dish itself when used for inoculation or subculturing: as the lid is kept on the bench underneath the bunsen flame. I fear that such possible contaminants might fall from the lid when the plate is kept upright on a surface, as I need when taking pictures of the cultures.
My fear might be right in theory, but i hope I'm missing something that would make such a scenario practically impossible.
Can placing a culture plate upright, as for taking pictures, introduce contaminants from the lid?