I'm taking a bioinformatics class and at this point we are just going over basic stuff about molecular biology. Half of the class is doing reading/research on our own, so there isn't much class time to ask questions or go over examples. One topic is transition/transversion ratio, and I'm not 100% sure I'm understanding it. Do you just compare the first symbol of string 1 to the first symbol of string 2? What if the two symbols you're comparing are the same? Do you just ignore it? Let's say string 1 is ACGATG and string 2 is TCAGTG. Would the ratio be 2/1?
Here are the comparisons I made. Transitions: G-->A, A-->G, Transversions: A-->T, Neither: C-->C, T-->T, G-->G
Is this correct or am I completely on the wrong path?