I'm a student new to molecular biology coming in from an eco-evo background looking for tips from you molecular pros! It seems that I'm running quite a few gels. The loading dye I'm using is Gel Loading Dye, blue (6X). The supporting document calls for 5uL:25uL reaction and 10uL dye:50uL reaction. Here's the problem: I'm trying to get my PCR to work and so I'm doing a lot of 'just checking' trials where I only load 2uL of reaction to each well from different 20uL PCR reactions. What volume of Gel Loading Dye, blue (6X) should I use when running only 2uL of PCR product
My goal now is to learn to do a DIG in situ hybridization to localize the distribution of mRNA of a gene I'm interested in so any tricks and tips would be greatly appreciated!