DNA and RNA absorb at 260nm. Proteins absorb at 280nm. The 260/280 ratio is a good estimate of how pure your sample is. For RNA, the 260/280 should be around 2. If it is lower, this might be an indication from contamination or proteins, phenol, or other contaminants in your sample. The 260/230 ratio is a second measure for purity of the sample, as the contaminants absorb at 230nm (like EDTA). The 260/230 ratio should be higher than the 260/280 ratio, as it is usually between 2 and 2.2. Lower ratio might be an indication of contamination.
In your case, I would be worried about the purity of the sample which gave you 260/230 ratio of 0.98. If you are using nanodrop, looking at the plot can also be a good indication of the quality of your sample. For a pure sample, a well defined peak (no shoulders or wiggles) at 260nm is expected.
Take a look at the NanoDrop manual for more information.