
Found this today in my neighborhood, my mom says it's a baby vulture and she has seen many during her childhood (in 1970's) while she lived in a small town around 200kms away from our city. However I want to know of it is really vulture cause there are less than 1000 left in whole state and certainly they don't usually fly around here. Even Monkeys (which are, FYI, common in India in small cities and are not afraid by humans) are mad because of this bird's presence but perhaps too frightened to go near him/her. It'd be nice if you guys can tell me what it is :).

enter image description here

I live in Gujarat, India if it helps.


1 Answer 1


It looks a lot like a African sacred ibis (Threskiornis aethiopicus) (wikilink). However, given your location in India, the closely related Black-headed ibis (which some consider to be part of the same species) might be more likely.

The African sacred ibis is native to mainly sub-saharan Africa, but is considered Invasive in some parts of the world (inkl. Europe and parts of Asia). The Black-headed ibis is however a native breeding bird to large parts of Asia (inkl. India), which makes this more likely.

enter image description here
(Black-headed ibis from wikipedia)

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Yesss! I was just googling using features and found this bird and then at the same time saw yr answer, I'm quite certain now after your answer that this is it! Thanks a lot $\endgroup$
    – Deep
    Commented Nov 12, 2019 at 11:20

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