If I understand it correctly you have downloaded for example 1000 protein sequences with 1000 IDs, but there are duplicates in sequences so in reality it is like having 600 unique sequences with 1000 ID's? If so it should be fairly easy to write a script which would create a set of unique sequences with all corresponding IDs so you could choose which one to use.
In python it could be done using the sequence as dictionary key with the ID as a value. While looping over each sequence check if the sequence is already in dictionary. If yes, append the new ID as a value.
Finally you would get
seqs = {
'DFABIODFAFDIOAF....':['ID001', 'ID007'],
from which it should be easy to choose
TBH not sure about efficiency of this but this depends on the size of dataset? How large is it? Just give me a sample dataset and I can write it.