I currently have two sets of gene expression data. The first is a dataframe of genes identified by Annotation id CG numbers (for example "CG10005") in one column and a numerical variable of interest associated with each of those genes in the other (the important part is that the genes are identified by the CG number). The second dataset is this study from multiple species where genes are identified by "GLEANR" ID's like this one: "dsim_GLEANR_10060".
I would like to extract all of the values from this study for the D.melanogaster and D.simulans data, then link that to the Annotation ID's in the first dataset (to connect my variable of interest to the sex bias in expression for each species). The trouble I am having is connecting the orthologous genes within the second study to each other, and then connecting them to the CG identifiers in the first study.
Does anyone have any suggestions on resources which can be used to get this all to link up?