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Questions tagged [species-identification]

Questions looking to find the name of a specific organism. Please include as much information as possible on location/habitat, size/characteristics and behavior. Ideally, you should provide images.

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Cellulase-producing plants, in any phase of their growth, in similar amounts to amylase in other plants

Daikons and barley sprouts are able to make amylase. What similar cases exist where plants may create cellulase in similar amounts?
Young Jun Lee's user avatar
-3 votes
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I got this out of my scalp there are multiple beings living there what is it please help [closed]

These things and others like it are in my scalp Can someone please help me is this part of a fungal infection and infestation?
Rosalind Grant Stennis's user avatar
6 votes
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What is this insect found in an apartment in Brazil?

I found some insects after moving into a new apartment in south eastern Brazil, in an urban center. It is the 11th floor (relatively high up) but very windy region. Some loose wings can be found ...
Pasa's user avatar
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My fungal strain (ITS sequences) shows similarities with different species. How can I identify it?

I sequenced the ITS gene of my strain, but when I performed a BLAST without applying any filter, I couldn't easily identify it. My strain shows similarities with different species!
OUCHENE Rima's user avatar
2 votes
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Who is this spider, and what is it carrying?

I'm in Fort Worth, and, while out on the trails yesterday, I saw a whole bunch of funnel-spider webs. Nearby I saw a strangely textured web in the grass, and, when I leaned closer to investigate, saw ...
LSpice's user avatar
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Long black cave insect in Thailand

I encountered this strange insect in a cave in Thailand (Kaew in Sam Roi Yot, to be specific) a couple of weeks ago. Google and iNaturalist are failing me. I think it's about 3 inches long not ...
Jay Paroline's user avatar
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What is this plant disease that causes raised blobs in the leaves?

I found this plant in Borneo with seemingly diseased leaves. The leaves have raised reddish blobs. What could be the cause of such deformities?
Flux's user avatar
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What species of bird is this?

We found this fledgling (location: Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa) under a tree next to the road (the tree's branches are high up, so we could not put it back into the tree). We are trying ...
Ananda Johnson's user avatar
-1 votes
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What kind of spider is this (Colorado)?

I need help identifying what kind of spider this could be. Thanks.
Elyssia Tolbert's user avatar
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Can you help me identify which animal this bone belongs to?

I found this interesting bone on the shore of Lefkada in the Ionian sea. I can’t find a similar bone to determine which animal it belongs to, nor can I determine whether it’s from a terrestrial or a ...
Tara Ayaba's user avatar
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Can anyone identify this “fruit”?

Just found this “fruit” in my driveway, probably dropped by a bird. I opened to see what kind of seed was inside. Does anyone know what this is and is it edible? I live in the San Fernando Valley of ...
Iris Paiso's user avatar
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Is this malus baccata?

Sunday 22 September 2024 Location: Vienna 1190, Austria This tree (which my app can’t identify) reminds me of an apple tree (I am terrible at tree identification). Its fruit are the size of cherries, ...
Ludi's user avatar
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Identification: What animal is this?

Can anyone identify the species in those photos? Encountered in İzmir Turkey around 21:00 PM, scavenging human food refuse. The size is around that of an average adult stray dog.
Boluc Papuccuoglu's user avatar
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What species of conch are these?

I found these in one of my pots in the garden (Gujarat, India) after a few days of heavy rain possibly munching on some algae grown on the side of pots. The biggest one of them is around 1cm in size. ...
Nijraj Gelani's user avatar
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What species of a spider is it?

I found this specimen in my garage in Idaho: Does anyone know what species is it? Is it venomous?
Paul Jurczak's user avatar
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Technical Name for Bamboo Leaf Plant

Can someone provide a technical name for this plant. Sometimes called "bamboo leaf plant" and is often used for plating of sushi or for cutting leaf for decorations for sushi plate. ...
B. Hata's user avatar
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Need help with beetle identification and yellow stuff I am seeing

This beetle infested a kitchen in northeast USA. enter image description here
Ken Robinson's user avatar
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I have brown tiny bugs all over the house

These bugs are crawling all around in my house, firstly they suddenly appeared in the kitchen after the 2-3 days of continuous rain. but then it started to move on sofa, bed, all on clothes, they move ...
Preetam Emmanuel's user avatar
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Spider identification: Nesticodes rufipes or Loxosceles gaucho? (South of Brazil)

I need help identifying a spider species frequently encountered in my apartment in Porto Alegre, southern Brazil. Habitat: Found indoors on ceiling/wall corners, door frames, and behind paintings. ...
André Carini's user avatar
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Leaf parasite species identification

What kind/species is this? Brasília - DF - Brazil (Winter)
Lacobus's user avatar
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What may these eggs belong to?

Today I've found these eggs on the outside of my house. This is located on the north of Spain. Do anyone knows what it belongs to? I'm leaning towards something related to the Reduviidae family? ...
Alfergon's user avatar
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What insect is this? There are a lot of them in my apartment, but they don't seem to be either cockroaches or spiders

I keep finding these things in my New York City apartment, and I am very curious what species they are. I thought they were cockroaches at first, but couldn't find any pictures online that would ...
user85987's user avatar
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Identify species

Would like to know if anyone knows what this is!? Was attached to human hair off scalp 1/8 inch long
jennifer williams's user avatar
4 votes
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What is this fruit from Cambodia? (orange skin, 3cm, orange juicy flesh, very stick white substance)

I saw this fruit in Thailand but was told it's from Cambodia: Orange skin, ~3cm: Orange juicy flesh: The top has a very stick white substance (the stickiness is quite similar to longkongs): What ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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ID: Ant or ant-like insect in North Central FL (velvet ant?)

I heard my cats messing with something in my apartment, and when I went to check on them, I found them playing with this insect: It's roughly a centimeter long. I am located in North Central Florida. ...
anjama's user avatar
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Is this a harmful insect?

I found this insect crawling on my neck while standing under a tree. I am wondering if it's a harmful (to humans) insect. I live in Prague. It is small (not even a centi-meter I think).
advocateofnone's user avatar
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Egg sack identification

Can anyone identify this egg sack? It is on the underside of my organic poblano pepper leaf. No infestations, no bugs around that I can see. In case the picture is not clear, it has a smooth surface, ...
Gardener02's user avatar
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What is crawling on my curtain in the kitchen?

I found one of these crawling on my curtain.
Chuck's user avatar
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Is this some kind of trashline orb weaver?

Is this some kind of trashline orb weaver or some other type of spider? Location is southwestern Virginia and the photo was taken in late July, in the morning. The first two photos show the markings ...
bob's user avatar
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what chaetoceros species can this be?

the object on the picture (which isn't mine) was found at upper newport bay, orange county, california. it looks a lot like what I saw at the white sea, which is what I wish to identify
олеся's user avatar
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Identifying eggs on my window

I live at the western tip of Britanny, France, near the town of Brest. I noticed a strange spot on my window, inside the house, which I hypothetised was eggs of some unknown organism. Sadly, I have no ...
pouzzler's user avatar
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What is this huge mosquito looking insect?

This is on top of a refrigerator on my porch in North Carolina about 45 minutes from the coast. I’ve never seen anything like it!
Penny Welch's user avatar
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What is this worm like creature

What is it? It moves like a worm. The things on the body are some seeds. It is found in Germany near Düsseldorf. It is 12:30 on 19.07.2024 It is 1cm long and 0.2 cm wide and high The source is the ...
Bastian Müller's user avatar
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What are these?

theses are swarming my truck in area southwest of meeker co
Sean Brogdon's user avatar
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What kind of very tiny bugs are these? Please help to identify! [duplicate]

The are very very tiny, finding number of them in my bathroom and bedroom, Difficult to see on non- white surface. Difficult to click pictures, This is best I can come up with. Location - MD, USA
Sam S's user avatar
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What kind of bug it is?

I saw dozens of this bug in my kitchen. They are smaller than one millimeter and they crawl and jump. Can someone help me please. Thanks
mohammad noresi's user avatar
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What is this bug on wood and paper?

I live in a Mediterranean climate and I often find these bugs in wooden furniture and sometimes around books. I would like to find the name and a solution to exterminate them. The bug is black looks ...
emonigma's user avatar
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What insect is this in photo? 1.5" size

What insect is this in photo? Saw this in outdoor table and wonder if it can bite and if it has venom. The size is about 1.5 inches and located in the Philippines.
Jtl's user avatar
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Spider identification?

enter image description here Can someone help me identify this spider? I've never seen one like this. I have brown widows and brown recluses in my yard, along with different types of orb weavers, but ...
Mari Hue's user avatar
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Wood-eating bug in Germany

This bug was found in an old church in Southern Germany. Apparently it was damaging/eating wood. A local woodworker could not identify the bug and speculated that it was some foreign species. ...
Christoph's user avatar
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Skeletal remains on the beach

We were walking along the beach in FL and came across this skull and we’re wondering if anyone e could help identify it!
Ben's user avatar
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Metabolism of Purple non-Sulfur bacteria

I am a high school student who is currently experimenting with hydrogen sulfide absorption using bacteria. I know species of purple sulfur bacteria or green sulfur bacteria are able to oxidize ...
Aakarsh Tathachar's user avatar
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Why is this small fly trying to live in my speakers?

While having the window open today, I discovered a small insect repeatedly flying into my room. It had seemingly discovered that a small hole for the power LED to shine through was the perfect size ...
Bdoanno's user avatar
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Species Identification - Blue multi-segment arthropod

This bug has a blue body, more than 8 legs, an orange head, and on its behind it has two stripes that are sometimes found on centipedes. Sorta hard to remember size, but I estimate about half the size ...
Benjamin Longworth's user avatar
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Ontario plant with 3-5 leaflets per compound leaf

This plant has 3-5 leaflets per compound leaf. It caught my eye because, at first, I thought it resembled poison ivy. But I don't think it's poison ivy. What species is it? Date: May 11, 2024 ...
User1974's user avatar
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What is this insect (possibly a cockroach)?

I'm looking to identify this insect, found inside a (basement) bathroom by the sink. Wondering if it's perhaps an oriental cockroach / water bug, but the images don't look quite the same, and the bug ...
avp's user avatar
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What is this unusual Plantago?

I found this plant in Rouen (Normandy, France) in a plant bed on the side of a street (May 15th, 2024). It looks like a Plantago lanceolata but some of its inflorescences are not the usual single ...
JoatMon's user avatar
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Bubbly foamed cone with insect inside

Location: In a lawn 20 km south of Vienna, Austria Date & Time: 13th of May 2024 at around 2pm Estimated size of the ellipsoid, foamy cone: y-axis 10mm, x-& z-axis 6-7mm Estimated length of ...
iLuvLogix's user avatar
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Thistle-ish plant in Texas

I found the plant below in Fort Worth, TX at the end of March this year, and can't identify it. It looks a bit like a basketflower, or some other thistle-like plant. It was the only one growing ...
LSpice's user avatar
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Which species is this short-bodied cellar spider?

It clearly belongs to the Pholcidae family and possibily the Pholcus genus, but I can't find a picture of any similar spider on the Internet. Note that the legs of the spider in the picture are curved ...
Stvkimension's user avatar

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