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Questions tagged [diptera]

Diptera is an order of insects containing the true flies and mosquitoes.

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Which fly is this?

This picture was taken in the Brazilian Amazon, upper Negro River, at daytime. The fly, about 1 cm long (maybe a little more) was flying next to us, as if to drink sweat. It finally landed on my ...
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What are the appendeges behind a crane fly's wings?

I noticed that crane flies have strange appendages behind their wings. The appendages look like a pair of antenna or a pair of vestigial wings. In the following picture I marked these appendages with ...
Socowi's user avatar
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What kind of Caiman is this and what is on it's nose?

I was able to snap a good picture in the Manù Parque Nacional in Peru. When I reviewed the pictures in more details I noticed something on it's nose, that resemble insects. What are those? Is it a ...
Peter's user avatar
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What species is this fly?

I am looking for an ID of this fly at genus or preferably species level. Location: The Netherlands. Size: approx. 7-8mm Habitat: indoors, attic. Timing: usually appears late winter, early spring
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What Type of fly is this? its huge

I found this stunningly beautiful Fly in a graveyard in Point Lonsdale Australia. Can someone tell my what type it is Please. It was wide as my thumbnail about 3cm long.
Rob Jones's user avatar
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Identify this bug

So we found this bug and it wasn't in our software for a change. Any help identifying it is appreciated. The bug was found in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Three of the pictures are over 2MB, (and 2 of ...
theresawalrus's user avatar
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What kind of a fly is this?

I have a couple of new pictures of insects which I am really curious about. This is one of them. I found this fly near my cottage in Prague, Czech Republic. It is fluffy with very long proboscis (...
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