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Making sense of infinite-sites mutation but finite-sites recombination coalescent simulator

Hudson (1983) introduced a coalescent simulator with infinite-sites mutations and finite-sites recombination. This seems paradoxical because the documentation of the simulator (section on crossing ...
Till Hoffmann's user avatar
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Projects in DNA Computing [closed]

I am physicist and have recently heard about DNA computing. I want to work in this area. I want your ideas on a "feasible but new project" (maximum time I can put on the project: 6 Months ), I can ...
PKL's user avatar
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Is it possible to create a restriction map using python? [closed]

I have some fragments of DNA from single and double digests using three different restriction enzymes. I'm trying to construct a restriction map of a linear fragment of DNA. The map needs indicate the ...
Daniel Bryden Johnson's user avatar
23 votes
3 answers

120-year-old gene regulation problem independently solved by a computer. How?

My Background: I'm a mathematics graduate student with a physics background. I have a very little biology knowledge and a little knowledge of machine learning and statistics. Topic: I recently ...
Christian Bueno's user avatar
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Supercomputer and undergraduates [closed]

Is it common for an undergraduate to run their thesis (evolutionary genomics) in a supercomputer? In my country, few supercomputers exist, but I'm not sure how it is for bachelors in the US or Europe. ...
luis's user avatar
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