I am a master student in biochemistry, and I have used gel electrophoresis many times before. What I want to know is how one should adjust the mA (mAmpere) compared to the voltage and the buffer one uses.
Normally I used 1xTAE buffer (run at 90V) or 1x sodium borate buffer (run at 110V). I know that if I adjust the voltage up, the buffer heats up faster, the samples travel faster, but the "picture" of the gel becomes more blurry. This is however all I know about adjust the parameter.
So my questions can be summarized as the following:
How should I adjust the ampere, is there a range I should be in compared to the buffer or sample I am running?
Does the ampere effect the travel speed if adjusted up or down?
Can I adjust the concentration of the buffer to run sample at a higher voltage, what effects will this have (to increase or decrease concentration)?
Is there a relationship between the ampere and the voltage which I can manipulate, in this case: how and why?