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Consider gene is countable, can anyone give a concrete example of "a gene"?

gene is a countable noun but people always say genes, so what is A gene? for instance, Each chromosome contains many genes, so, which part of the chromosome of Escherichia coli could be ...
czlsws's user avatar
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Which DNA elements belong to the definition of a gene?

I see a lot of different DNA elements mentioned as part of a gene (talking about eukaryotes): The length of DNA following the promoter is a gene and it contains the recipe for a protein. (video) ...
KingBoomie's user avatar
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How do biologists quantify "gene expression" in experiments?

I've read papers which contain statements such as "control of gene expression is critical in biological processes". How exactly does one quantify "gene expression"? Isn't gene expression an umbrella ...
ShanZhengYang's user avatar
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What further research can the result of gene variation detection be used for [closed]

We do a research on a particular cancer (for e.g. breast cancer). Now, we have a result for the gene variation detection (VCF file). What next steps do we need to do? We don't have a clear picture ...
user23306's user avatar