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How many genes of an individual are homozygous?

We have 20000 to 25000 protein-coding genes. Considering an individual, how many of his\her protein-coding genes are homozygous? I am looking for an estimation of gene homozygosity ratio in human ...
MySky's user avatar
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Is it possible to fuse DNA from two sperms and can a baby be born from that? [closed]

If this is possible, then isn't there going to be a chance to have a YY child?
Aranya's user avatar
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Are modern gene-editing techniques capable of creating genetically-superior versions of humans? [closed]

Can we alter the DNA in, say, a small-framed, low muscle mass male to those of elite bodybuilders? Can we alter the DNA sequence that stops balding and hair loss? How about the genes responsible for ...
Frederick Benson's user avatar
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Which gene regulatory network is the largest in human?

What is the maximum number of nodes involved in any gene regulatory network and which network is it, provided its from human?
girl101's user avatar
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Do men and women have the same number of genes?

As far as I know, humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, each one which contains a particular amount of genes. But in the "last" pair, men have a XY pair chromosome, and women have a XX pair chromosome. ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Why can't this be 1st meiotic division non-disjunction as well?

The child has gotten 2 "sick" chromosomes from his dad and 1 healthy from his mom, leaving it with trisomy 13. I can see how this can happen in the second meiotic division of the father but ...
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