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What species of conch are these?

I found these in one of my pots in the garden (Gujarat, India) after a few days of heavy rain possibly munching on some algae grown on the side of pots. The biggest one of them is around 1cm in size. ...
Nijraj Gelani's user avatar
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What's the exact species of this African Giant Snail?

We've got an African Giant Snail a few years ago but failed to identify the exact species so far. When we got it, it's been about 20 % smaller than now, so it's probably not been an adult snail, but ...
Tim's user avatar
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Why don't snails run out of slime?

I understand that land-snail-slime and slug-slime are made of mucus. Externally, one kind of mucus is produced by the foot of the gastropod and is usually used for crawling on. https://en.wikipedia....
chasly - supports Monica's user avatar
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What is this snail? (Location: Bangkok, Thailan; size: 3 cm long, 5 mm wide; color: mostly black)

What is this snail? (Location: Bangkok, Thailan; size: 3 cm long, 5 mm wide; color: mostly black) Video:
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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How do schistosomes find and attach to human skin?

Schistosomes are parasitic flatworms that have a snail intermediate host and a human definitive host. After developing in the snail, they (cercariae stage) escape into the water and can attach to the ...
F16Falcon's user avatar
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Aquatic Snail Identification

I can’t for the life of me find an identification of these snails. They’re thriving in brackish water, but may be freshwater naturally. They’re about .8cm long at their largest. I believe they have ...
EtherealEunoia's user avatar
3 votes
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Do snails like water?

Simply question, do snail show when it's raining because they like it or/and need hydration and food or are they showing up just to escape somewhere, because they're scared of drowning?
user51737's user avatar
23 votes
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What are these bladder snail parasites?

I collected some bladder snails several months ago. While checking them out one day, I noticed that they were now infested with worm-like ectoparasites. Appearance and behavior Here's a picture of a ...
560812508's user avatar
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Identify snails

Can you tell me what are these 2 kinds of snails I found? The first is around 2cm shell diameter. The second is around 3cm shell diameter. I found both of them in Normandy (north of France) 100km ...
Antoine's user avatar
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Cultivate snails and maintaining them alive

I found snails in my garden, I want to create a good house for them. I don't really know how to do. Sorry if this is not the good site to ask that but I don't want them to die so I'm trying to be ...
Antoine's user avatar
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Snail species identification from the United Kingdom

Can anybody identify the species of this snail? From this website, it looks like a Common Snail. Could it be the dextral type of Cornu aspersum? These snails have been found in a garden, have ...
charlesdarwin's user avatar