Why are there six reading frames if only one strand of DNA is referred to as the ‘coding strand’?
The coding strand refers to the DNA strand with the same base order as the RNA transcript for a particular gene. As one gene is always entirely present on a single DNA strand there are indeed 3 ...
How to determine the most likely reading frame of a DNA sequence?
This is what we classify as a homework question, but as it satisfies the criterion of the poster demonstrating an attempt to answer it, I provide the following suggestion of an answer.
I assume that ...
Why are there six reading frames if only one strand of DNA is referred to as the ‘coding strand’?
In my opinion this question reflects two things:
The difficulty students have in appreciating the historical experimental concerns of research workers in an area that is now well understood, and, ...
Does an ORF need a stop codon?
Generally speaking, every single ATG..... is not an ORF. That would be a LOT of ORFs in the genome. Not even every ATG.....STOP is an ORF. An ORF has to be transcribed...and spliced into an mRNA. Just ...
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orf × 6dna × 2
translation × 2
codon × 2
bioinformatics × 1
dna-sequencing × 1
statistics × 1
transcription × 1
sequence-analysis × 1
biostatistics × 1