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33 votes

Can one see flickering of a light bulb at 50 Hz?

Short answer Yes, the flickering of a light bulb may be noticeable, and yes, that's directly related to the mains frequency. However, since the flickering of a bulb is about two times higher than the ...
AliceD's user avatar
  • 52.6k
10 votes

What is the smallest touch sensation that a human can feel?

Short answer The detection threshold of static indentation stimuli on the palm of the hand is approximately 10 to 40 micrometers, dependent on the exact location under investigation. Background The ...
AliceD's user avatar
  • 52.6k
8 votes

Can one see flickering of a light bulb at 50 Hz?

A lamp flickers at 2x the mains frequency, i.e. 100 or 120 Hz, and that is typically not noticeable to human eyes. It is visible to chicken and insects. That being said, a low quality lamp or a lamp ...
StessenJ's user avatar
  • 181
3 votes

Can one see flickering of a light bulb at 50 Hz?

Let's say there is a point source of light (it could be a lamp or a highly reflective object) that undergoes large, rapid intensity changes, say 50-100 times a second. If you quickly move your eyes ...
Artelius's user avatar
  • 191
2 votes

What is the smallest pressure differential that humans can detect?

Short answer The sensitivity to pressure differences highly depends on the study setup used. A paper resembling the conditions in your kitchen experiment concludes that the just noticeable difference ...
AliceD's user avatar
  • 52.6k
1 vote

Consistency of consciouness

You trespass upon a question as old as antiquity: what properties constitute consciousness? The best means to respond to the question concerns a metaphysical answer and an answer in modern biology We ...
Epistemonaut's user avatar

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