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Is DNA a Language? [duplicate]

I’ve been thinking about attributes that are unique to humans (not just far more developed in humans than other species) and aside from trivial things like chins, the only ones I can think of are art ...
Thomas Anton's user avatar
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Do any non-human species have juveniles that cannot communicate with adults?

Human babies take 1+ years to begin learning how to speak (though sign language can be learned a bit earlier1). I know that cries, yells, and other non-linguistic sound are a simple form of ...
theforestecologist's user avatar
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How exactly does symbolic language for apes work?

I'm talking about the panels with lots of colored symbols on them you sometimes see in documentaries and the like. Apes point at the symbols in a specific order and in this way can communicate with ...
MaxD's user avatar
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Are we capable to generate sounds of animals to the point that they mistakenly recognize it as members of their species?

From Animal language (Wikipedia), there are many evidences that we can communicate with animals, at least to baboons and dolphins. There is a case that fish moving away when hearing a record of whale ...
Ooker's user avatar
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Why should the pharyngeal cavity be essential for articulated speech?

In a lecture, I've been told that one of the signs that homo habilis and homo erectus couldn't speak was that they probably lacked the distinction between oral and pharyngeal cavity. But do we really ...
Probably's user avatar
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What are the most well-understood vocal animal languages? [closed]

Just as the Bee dance, for a "language", I mean that there are vocal pattens, or "grammar". In the nature, there are many intelligent animals like human beings. Bird songs, whale songs, dogs? In ...
Osiris Xu's user avatar
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Is there such thing as Animal non-verbal body language?

Have there been any studies done on the animal use of their bodies to signal, communicate or express their emotions, particularly to members of other species (ex: humans)? I've been observing a very ...
Alex Stone's user avatar
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