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Questions tagged [pymol]

a molecular visualization system created by Warren Lyford DeLano. This tag can be used in questions related to the use and the visualizations produced using this software.

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2 answers

How to select residues in a selection for protein mutagenesis in PyMOL?

Currently I am creating a selection that has residues 5 angstroms away from a ligand for alanine point mutations at each highlighted residue. Currently, the code is creating the specific selections I ...
Shayan Joarder's user avatar
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1 answer

How to color based on b-factor for all the frames in one object in Pymol?

I load a protein.pdb file into Pymol. This file has multiple frames (or states), and with different b-factor values at different ...
lanselibai's user avatar
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1 answer

Examining antibody - target interactions in PyMOL

I'm a student currently looking at antibody responses against a viral target protein of interest. I have my own, annotated PyMOL session of my protein and I also have .pdbs of crystallised antibody ...
alekoj's user avatar
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Automating figure-making with PyMOL [closed]

What I want to do I have a list of almost 200 PDB entries that I need to visually inspect. Luckily, the thumbnail image displayed on the PDB website (examples with RCSB or PDBe for a well-known ...
Guillaume's user avatar
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1 answer

Can pymol show cartoon (secondary structure) for a pdb of multiple frames?

I am using pymol to visualise the secondary structure of protein using its cartoon representation. The ...
lanselibai's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to perform a DNA structural alignment in pymol

How can I "fit" two DNA structures having different nucleotide sequences in PyMol? I would like to use the structure of a DNA-binding protein in PDB (1h9t), which is bound to DNA in the PDB file, ...
Claudio's user avatar
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1 answer

Generate full dimer from monomer with C2 symmetry?

I downloaded a PDB file of a dimer, but it only contains the monomer, and it says that the dimer can be obtained from C2 symmetry. For an example see here:
a06e's user avatar
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Is there a way to see what representations are currently displayed in PyMOL?

I am using PyMol to visualize .pdb protein structures. I show/hide representation a lot, and sometimes I get confused with what representations are currently displayed. So I end up with doing a lot ...
Salvador Dali's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Turn off multithreading in pymol [closed]

By default, pymol seems to grab the number of cores on the system for rendering. How can I force it to only use one core? Motivation: I have a large collection ...
Hooked's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

How do I get the current "camera position" in PyMol so I can reuse it in scripts?

I have a few protein models I want to take pictures of with various ligands bound. It would be nice if I could do it from the same "position", but the only way I can figure out to repeat the same ...
Nick T's user avatar
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