I need to synthesize this primer: GACCATCTAGCGACCTCCACNNNNNNNN. This primer contains eight random nucleotides in the 3' end. This primer can be used for viral metagenomics, and the last 8 "N" nucleotides are similar to a random primer that is used for RT-PCR. My question is if I submit this sequence for oligo synthesis, say to IDT, will they synthesize one primer that contains random 8 nucleotides at the 3' end, or will they synthesize multiple primers containing all possible nucleotides at every position?
1 Answer
You will get 48 different primers in a single tube.
Oligonucleotide synthesis is a cyclical process which adds nucleotides one position at a time.
All that’s happening when an N is encountered in the sequence is, during the coupling step, instead of adding a single type of nucleotide to the reaction, they add all four (which are incorporated stochastically).