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What makes protein binding to the DNA random?

We know that the genetic recombination process in known as a random process. On the other hand, it has also been discovered that certain proteins (such as PRDM9) determine what recombination hotspots ...
Alex L's user avatar
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How random is genetic recombination?

Two parents can have a very large number of different potential offsprings, and it's common knowledge that the daughter chromosomes in meiosis are produced randomly, i.e. in crossover, the exact spots ...
Alex L's user avatar
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How do gene locations change during crossing over events?

Suppose you have two variants from the same species, which have slightly different chromosomes I's to each other. Genes may be in slightly different positions on the chromosome, and the lengths of the ...
Jabbath's user avatar
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How many of the four meiotic daughter chromosomes of a homologous pair can be recombinant via crossover?

In graphics I've seen, crossing over occurs between the "inner" two chromatids in a side-by-side arrangement of two duplicated chromosomes: This suggests that only two of the four meiotic daughter ...
fmg's user avatar
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What is the probability that a gamete will only contain father's chromosomes

As it is depicted in most textbooks, cross-over does not occur between the two "outer" sister chromatids. By independent assortment during Meiosis I, there is 1/2^23 chance that all father's ...
Flitwick's user avatar
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Does crossover happen between chromosomes from grandparents?

Rephrasing question: does crossover happen after sperm and egg meet each other, but before formed fetus starts to grow? As I understand sperm and egg of human are haploid cells. That means this cells ...
Kos's user avatar
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Why does crossing over take place at all?

I already know that crossing over causes genetic variation. My question is that since DNA is a stable molecule, why would it undergo process like crossing over during which it becomes so unstable and ...
AKV's user avatar
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Does chromosome cross occur over male and female or vice versa? [closed]

My understanding is homologous chromosome pair, which means male and female chromosome inside the DNA. So if that's homologous how does male do with female? Does it flip over and change direction, ...
koe's user avatar
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4 answers

How does the molecular machinery choose where to cut a chromosome for recombination?

I'm wondering about a few technicalities of crossover in meiosis. The point of crossover is to create new chromosomes that don't have the same allele combinations as the original two chromosomes. ...
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