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Questions tagged [habitat]

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9 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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5 votes
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Negative association between habitat quality and reproductive success in birds

I'm looking for bird studies that have found either a negative correlation or no correlation between habitat quality and reproductive success. Or in other words, bird studies that have found that ...
luciano's user avatar
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3 votes
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What species of bird is this?

We found this fledgling (location: Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa) under a tree next to the road (the tree's branches are high up, so we could not put it back into the tree). We are trying ...
Ananda Johnson's user avatar
3 votes
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What global habitat classification systems are there?

I am an IT guy, not a biologist or ecologist, but have ended up with (roughly) the task "given this Latitude/Longitude pair, return the 'habitat' at that location". The points of interest in ...
user3568483's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Does the edge effect promote biodiversity?

I define the edge effect as: A term used to describe what occurs at habitat boundaries where two bordering communities influence one another. My question is whether it generally leads to an increase ...
city7lights's user avatar
2 votes
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Basic behaviour patterns of animals for a modeling project?

I am working on a project (a tool) for my GIS class that models natural habitat of an animal based on landcovers, distance to the nearest watersource and distance from developed area in Kansas, USA. I ...
Jan Pisl's user avatar
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How should I analyze proportional community data, in respect to habitat variables?

I want to analyze how the proportions of groups of species in a biological community correlated to habitat variables. I have 6 functional groups, defined by their similar traits, and I want to know ...
Jaxson Priest's user avatar
1 vote
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Habitat requirements of black ant Lasius niger

Does anyone know of any published information on the maximum slope angle and/or minimum soil depth on which the black ant Lasius niger will build its nests? I have read that they won't nest on "a ...
Fire_Fox's user avatar
0 votes
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Is anything known about the speed with which viruses spread geographically in R. affinis (or at least bats in general)?

RaTG13, which is the closest known relative of SARS-CoV-2 at full genome level, was sampled (just) in a R. affinis (bat) specimen in Yunnan Province... which is about 1,500 km away from Hubei, the ...
perfidious pidgeon's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How are sewage, sludge and wastewater natural environments?

[1] Acinetobacter species can be isolated from such natural environments as surface water, wastewater and sewage, healthy human skin, plant, animal and food material as well as domestic appliances. [...
Freezing Soul's user avatar