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Indian Spider Identification

Today I saw this curious colorful spider on its web near a sapota tree in my garden. I have never seen any spider like this,its around 2cm or a little less. The most curious part is this part of its ...
Amarylis Vaselaar's user avatar
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Can anyone identify this chrysalis?

What kind of chrysalis or pupa is this? It’s about an inch and 3/4 long and is hanging off the brick siding of a house in Piedmont North Carolina. It wiggles when it is touched. It has been hanging ...
Carol Garris's user avatar
10 votes
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Small yellow bug with black head and three black stripes on the back

Can anyone help me to find the name of this small yellow bug with black head and three black stripes on the back. It was found in Jura, France:
jeromerg's user avatar
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Identify black insect on Granadilla plant in South Africa

Planted a granadilla tree 3 weeks ago and these guys appeared on the new growth. Never seen them before.
Andrew's user avatar
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2 votes
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What is this worm-like creature?

It is on my bed sheet. The hairy part the the rear end. The length is about the diameter of a US dime (~18mm).
Dylan Czenski's user avatar
3 votes
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Is this a termite wing or flying ant wing

I saw this on the bottom corner of my pantry in the Washington DC area. I can't tell whether is termite wing or something else. The wing is 3/4" long.
user avatar
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What Kind of Bug is This

I found this bug in southern Florida in February. It was approximately 1cm long or less, fully extended. What type of bug is this?
NULL's user avatar
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8 votes
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Could someone help me identify this insect?

Does anyone know what this insect is? I put a rubber ball on my lawn, and within seconds a bunch of these insects (maybe 15 or 20) landed on it. I took a look around and saw that there were lots of ...
George's user avatar
  • 191
8 votes
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What is this stick-like creature?

My wife noticed this on her trousers immediately after coming home - probably acquired after brushing past a bush. It's about one inch long, and does not move much - but when poked it will flex and ...
jl6's user avatar
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What is this bug living on the plaster in my home?

It's a small larva looking creature that pops out of a volcanoe-esque hole in the bathroom. SE United States.
Skeletorstaint's user avatar
3 votes
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What is this white, winged insect?

I saw this insect crawling on a wall in the UK (Birmingham) today (March 28th). It's about 5mm long. I assumed it was a white fly, but having looked at other images of white files on google, I don't ...
3-14159265358979323846264's user avatar
3 votes
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What is this insect? (Location: Hong Kong; size: 8 mm long, 4 mm wide, 2 mm thick; color: black with some brown at center on the top)

What is this insect? (Location: Hong Kong; size: 8 mm long, 4 mm wide, 2 mm thick; color: black with some brown at center on the top) The insect in the picture was slightly damaged after an ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
5 votes
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Insect Identification. Moth or dragonfly or?

Found on the exterior wall of my house taking cover from the rain it seems. Wingspan is approximately 5cm. I live in the South SF Bay and it has been rather cold and rainy this week.
Johnny's user avatar
  • 81
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What bug is this? I found several in my flat and I have no idea

what kind of insect is this? is it a moth larvea or a carpet bug?
Claire's user avatar
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Identifying this winged ant with big hind legs

I found this walking across my floor not too long ago. I am not sure if it is actually an ant, I just chose the best words I could find for the title. It has wings, but does not seem to ever fly. It ...
WhatIsThisBug's user avatar
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Help identifying an insect by its remains

Yesterday i hiked in Bolsena lake, Italy. I felt this insect moving into my ear. So i smashed my ear and this is the result. Please tell me that there are no risks related to Lyme desease or similar. ...
Federico Juvara's user avatar
11 votes
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Insect identification request

I live in France. I've just found several (8) of these in my living room, close to an oak cupboard and my Christmas tree, a cut Abies nordmanniana (supposedly grown in France). Their body is around 5 ...
L. Levrel's user avatar
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Is this a type of fruit fly?

I live in Taipei, and these flying insects are about 2-4 millimeters long (body length). They are very active when it's over roughly 24C indoors, and will fly, land and run around randomly on ...
uhoh's user avatar
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What is this soil digging insect?

It is in Texas(Month: May). Are these flying ants?termites? or Cicada Killers?
John s's user avatar
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9 votes
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What's this black, white and orange beetle?

Found in Toronto Canada. Maybe 1-2 mm long but I'm not a good judge of measurements. Should I be concerned it has friends? I've dealt with carpet beetle larvae in several homes over 7 years and an ...
Amanda's user avatar
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What spider is this in Idaho?

I have killed maybe 5 of these solders as I have a 3 year old and dont want her bit. Details : Whitish top; brown legs; striped maybe yellow or white on the butt with black Size of a penny Seen them ...
user33775's user avatar
5 votes
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What is the scientific name of this flying insect?

It looks like some relative of dragon fly. To give an idea about its size I picked it by its wings It had quite a flexible abdomen I set it free after clicking the pics. I live in central India (...
Serotonin's user avatar
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What are these tiny insects? [duplicate]

I live in Italy (Emilia Romagna), and my house, seasonally in spring, is full of these guys, someone knows their name and if they could represent a problem? They are very tiny slightly less than 0,5 ...
GodTaxist's user avatar
-1 votes
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What is the species of this strange insect?

I first saw this photo long time ago, and I still can't identify the species of this insect:
KTDD's user avatar
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What kind of larvae are these. Lots of them in the basement in the summer, crawling around on the floor and the walls

larvae crawl on basement floor. Some are also found on the first floor of the house. Lots of legs--I also thought they became "rolly polys" but never knew for sure what they were either.
Karen's user avatar
  • 11
8 votes
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Cockroach-like insect identification (India)

I just saw an insect in my room, and I have never seen anything like it ever before. I captured a photo, please see if you can identify it. It has got quite unique colours on its exodermis and it has ...
Ajitanshu Singh's user avatar
-1 votes
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Is this a bedbug? Found in my bathtub [duplicate]

I found this bug crawling in my bathtub
Mememe's user avatar
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4 votes
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Adult Bugs in Low Humidity House Heated With Wood?

I have a home heated with wood. The humidity is currently around 30% but I'm guessing these bugs have reproduced when the humidity was higher. They really have a hard time when I see them in the ...
Alex's user avatar
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Insect/cocoon ID?

Can anyone ID this? We’re in the Rocky Mountains, Western US. We found it stuck to the wall of our garage, a few feet up, hidden behind a snow sled. It seems to be covered, or surrounded, in what ...
MBM's user avatar
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What kind of red and black insect is in the photo?

I was wondering what kind of insect this was that I found on a flower on my deck this morning? The insect was in my flower pot on my deck. I took the picture from my cell phone and zoomed in for a ...
Sue Gosney's user avatar
2 votes
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Can anyone identify this insect from India?

Found this bug in Chennai. Curious to know what kind it is. Does it pose any danger?
Thushar G R's user avatar
2 votes
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Identify this insect seen in a rural area in North India

During my stay at a village in Haryana, India, I noticed many of these grey-brown insects in my room. They spend most of their time crawling but occasionally fly too (for short distances—one metre to ...
Adhish's user avatar
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Can you recognize this larvae that came from a human nose? (probable nasal myiasis?

Those larvae came at least four different times from the nose (inside - from the mucosal) of a 60 year old man from a tropical area in South America. He lives and works in a city with a tropical ...
MPPV's user avatar
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Caterpillar identification - found on a coffee plant inside a house

Today, I've found a twig-like caterpillar hanging down from my homegrown coffee plant (which explained why some of the plant's leaves appear to be eaten away). What specie is this insect? It was about ...
lukeg's user avatar
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Does anyone know what insect species this is?

The insect has an approximate length of 2.5 cm and It was found in Panama, Central America. It was living hidden between the leaves of a papaya tree (Carica papaya).
Bl C's user avatar
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8 votes
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What is this insect that has invaded my home in Texas?

After the recent floods in central Texas this past weekend I noticed my that bedroom has suddenly been infested with these small insects that have climbed in through the window. Previously, the hole ...
syntonicC's user avatar
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What is this small insect called?

It is about 1-2 mm long. It also can fly and it stays on the wall. Location: Lebanon.
user5402's user avatar
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Unknown pentatomid from India

I found this bug last year in August in Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India. The scale at the bottom of the picture is in mm and the size of the bug seem to be about 1.5 cm. It looks a bit like Halyomorpha ...
WalterS's user avatar
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3 votes
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Can I safely handle this caterpillar?

I just found this caterpillar in my garden. I’m about to mow the grass for the first time. Can I safely handle it? What type of caterpillar is it? For reference, I’m in Leeds, UK. Here are some ...
Fogmeister's user avatar
0 votes
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What spider is this? Is this invasive or dangerous?

Hi the picture below has been taken here, I've never seen such a spider, is it an invasive specie or a dangerous one? thank you
Francesco Iapicca's user avatar
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What is this small brown spider?

Found in a doorway in eastern Tennessee. With its legs fully extended, it's about the size of a quarter.
user42702's user avatar
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Identify this insect (looks like part of a tree)?

I found this insect and thought it was part of a tree at first, then it moved and so I knew it was an insect. I've never seen it before though so I am posting here hoping someone knows what it is. ...
Wonka's user avatar
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Bed bug or booklouse? [duplicate]

I found this creature climbing on the lower part of a wall inside apartment. Can you distinguish if it's a bed bug nymph or a booklouse? Sorry the photo quality isn't great, because it's so small (2 ...
user61194's user avatar
0 votes
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Insect crawling Identification

What kind of insect is this, and is this venomous, or dangerous? Don't need full species name just common name will do, color is red. Grandma always warned me of this, they usually are seen in monsoon ...
murmansk's user avatar
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Identify little green long legged bug

Discovered attempting to hide on bathroom sink handle at night, though bathroom light had been left on. Barely reacted to attempts to capture it at all. No flying. No jumping. Just really slow ...
candied_orange's user avatar
5 votes
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Larva of Halyomorpha halys?

I just found these small insects on a Saponaria. After search, it could be Halyomorpha halys, but I am really not sure. Can anyone confirm? If so, should I kill them as they are considered as ...
NicoM's user avatar
  • 53
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ID request - larvae on potato plants

Several of these were on my potato plants in Washington state, USA. This one about 7mm in length, some were a bit larger. They were moving in an inchworm-like fashion, but only by touch - I don't ...
Sergii Dymchenko's user avatar
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Identity little brown lady bugs taking shelter in my home

Can someone please identify this little creature for me. They are appearing more frequently in my room. What are they doing here? Could it be those basic needs and requirements? The size is about 2 ...
Marco V's user avatar
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Beetle Identification / able to retract its head

I can't find any identification of this beetle online. The closest guess I got to it is "Hister beetle" but the rough surfaces on its shell make me think otherwise. The most common behavior ...
rEsonansDx's user avatar
10 votes
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What is this 2-3cm insect found in South-Eastern Brazil?

Noted in South-Eastern Brazil rainforest at low level - about 2-3 cm from head to tail. Maybe a Cassadine Beetle?
BBM56's user avatar
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