Why DNA needs histones to be packaged and ordered?
Sort of like having one of these:
instead of this:
Surely you could simply wrap DNA up in a coil, but to do it in a neat fashion that allows you to package and repackage sections as needed, it's a ...
Why DNA needs histones to be packaged and ordered?
Why DNA needs histones to be packaged and ordered?
Histones counteract retroelements, and this defense against parasitic (viral) DNA is presently considered to be their original physiological role.
When does histone synthesis occur in relation to DNA replication?
Yes, they have to. But that is just half of the story.
The (canonical) histones which are used in DNA replication are synthesized at the beginning of the S phase, and subsequently transported into ...
When does histone synthesis occur in relation to DNA replication?
In Molecular Biology of the Cell (Chapter 4), it is written that
The major histones are synthesized primarily during the S phase of the cell cycle and assembled into nucleosomes on the daughter DNA ...
Can untargeted metabolomics detect epigenomic changes such as methylation?
This is a fascinating question, and I spent a fair amount of time looking into it. From what I've been able to find regarding the relationship between metabolics and epigenetics, it seems that ...
How do you read the histone code?
The "histone code" is not like the genetic code where one codon in an ORF always is translated to a single amino acid. It's closer to something like GC content or CpG islands: a single instance doesn'...
DNA methylation in different positions
For histone methylation , whether the marks are activating or repressive is determined predominately by which histone tail is modified at which position. DNA methylation by itself however is position ...
Western blot transfer issues
The first thing that comes to mind for me is that the transfer seems excessive... isn't histone sub-20 kDa? I have often transferred similar-sized proteins at 4C for 30 min, 30V.
In general, ...
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