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Offspring of parents with different number of chromosomes

Many papers report that dog-whelks (Nucella lapillus) show a distinct chromosomal polymorphism between populations of 2n = 24 up to 2n = 36. Could somebody please tell me how many chromosomes the F1 ...
Globoquadrina's user avatar
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examples of chromosomal aberrations with lack of sexual chromosomes?

Are there any examples in animals where individuals survive having no copies of their sexual chromosomes?
719016's user avatar
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If crossing over did not occur, would pairs of cells after meiosis II have the same genes?

If crossing over did not occur, would there be two pairs of cells with the same chromosomes after meiosis II? This question came to my mind while I was reading through my bio textbook. After meiosis I,...
Sergiusz Strzelczyk's user avatar
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What is the DNA sequences between two Inverted Repeats called?

I would like to know some rules about the nomenclature of Inverted Repeats DNA sequences. More in detail, I want to know what is the name of sequences between two inverted repeats. For example, I have ...
Marco Monti's user avatar
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Why are published chromosome counts for polyploids often incorrect by an integer multiplication factor of the original diploid like count?

Why are published chromosome counts (done using techniques such as root smashes) for polyploidy flowering plants often incorrect by a multiplication factor of 2 or 3 from the original diploid like ...
John Perkins's user avatar
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chromosome 19 and recombination

Im doing a project with structural variation created by recombination within the human genome during spermatogenesis, where im especially examining intrachromatid homolog recombination. I find that ...
RAHenriksen's user avatar
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Did the chromosomal fusion within humans affect phenotypical change compared to the separated chromosomes in the other apes?

I just read this article on the evolutionary divergence between humans and chimps, and how the most significant event was when the 24 number of chromosomes in chimps was reduced to 23 in humans due to ...
Von Vic Cayas's user avatar
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Coefficient of relatedness for a locus on the Z chromosome

So i know that the ZW determination system is the equivalent for XY in birds. Moreover, I know that the coefficient of relatedness between siblings for the X chromosome is 0.5 so im guessing that the ...
Ioannis's user avatar
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How did researchers find out that it was only the maternal chromosome that underwent deletion in Angelman syndrome?

It is known that in Angelman syndrome, the chromosome 15 undergoes deletion in the maternal chromosome while in Prader-Willi it's in the paternal. I understand it can be detected by FISH or other ...
Polisetty's user avatar
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Why do chromosome pairs have different shapes and sizes?

When I look at microscopic images of human chromosome pairs I see that they have different shapes and sizes. Is there a deeper biological reason for that? Is there some evolutionary pressure for them ...
zxc's user avatar
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Number of DNA strands per chromosome

As I was reading Griffith's Introduction to genetic analysis this evidence was provided for single DNA makes single chromosome. Eventually geneticists demonstrated directly that certain chromosomes ...
Arnab Ray's user avatar
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Question about aneuploidy

I am learning about aneuploidy and non-disjunction and just wanted some clarification with regards to terminology. In particular, do the terms monosimony and trisimony refer only to INDIVIDUALS (i.e. ...
Meep's user avatar
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Calculating gene separation -a genetics problem

I am really struggling with genetics. In particular, I have the following question Now I am OK with calculating the separation of genes in centrimorgans when I have data like so: But in the first ...
Meep's user avatar
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Mechanism of random assortment of chromosomes

How does the random assortment of chromosomes during meiosis occur? I am a mathematician, not a biologist, and I am surprised that it is difficult to find an answer to this question online (AI ...
Lawrence Fields's user avatar
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Behaviour of chromosomes and genes

I recently read a comparison between behaviour of chromosomes and genes - which had two statements understated - Independent pairs segregate independently of each other One pair segregates ...
Vidhi Gupta's user avatar