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Questions tagged [allometry]

Study of the relationship of body size to shape, anatomy, physiology and behaviour.

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Does Size Variation Allometrically Scale with Size?

This seems like a very simple question, but I can't find any papers addressing it. Does the variation of individuals' size (height or weight) in a population scale with that population's mean size? ...
E Tam's user avatar
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How to Scale Metabolic rate and drug dosage according to Mass?

I was reading a book "Biology and evolution of Crocodilians" by Gordon Grigg and David Kirshner. And I can't understand the part about metabolic scaling no matter which method I tried I can'...
user71055's user avatar
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Heart rate and Metabolic rate relationship

Metabolic rate in humans can be approximated using the Penn State equation. It can also be estimated using direct and indirect calorimetry. According to Kleiber's law, metabolism scales across species ...
gabriel's user avatar
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There are some species that grow throughout their lives -- is there evidence that even in adulthood their brains increase in size?

One species I have read about is carp whose growth is limited only by food supply and space. One can actually, because their skin is almost transparent, see their brains and it sure does look like ...
releseabe's user avatar
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Allometry of vision, can mice see their own fingers?

Looking around, I've found a lot of research on the allometry of visual acuity and vision at a distance, but not so much on vision close-up. As I understand it, the "near point" of vision is ...
smallobsession's user avatar
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Maximum Allometry of aquatic mammals omitting Kleiber's Law

As far as I understand, blue whales cannot get any physically larger due to the extremely demanding caloric intake it has on consuming large quantities of krill, not due to any other physiological ...
Evamentality's user avatar
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Is it true that oxygen levels in water limits fish size?

This answer says that breathing water is inefficient, and that may act as a limiter to the size of fish. I've heard this in a couple of other places as well, but cannot recall the sources. However, ...
Charlim's user avatar
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How does anaerobic burst-flight performance scale with mass?

Quails employ anaerobic burst flight to escape predators and the Quetzalcoatlus northropi have most likely used it during launch and climb out, then transition to soaring. Now, I have read these ...
Mephistopheles's user avatar
19 votes
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Public database of animal specifications

I'm a math teacher looking for data to help my students interested in biology complete a quantitatively flavored study of animals. (As a math person, I apologize if I'm not using discipline-...
Jared's user avatar
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Square-cubed law and health

Does the square-cubed law lead to possible health detriments for taller people? I'm not sure what the optimum height is for humans (e.g. due to their cross-sectional bone density constraints), but ...
noodles's user avatar
9 votes
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What is the convention for log notation in biology?

I'm reading through some oldish (1980s) papers on length-weight relationships in fish and crustaceans. Many report log-log relationships without specifying whether this is natural log, base 10, etc. ...
yeticrab's user avatar
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Does pain scale with mammal mass?

Some biological features scale with the animal mass (see previous Q&A). Assuming the same concentration of nociceptors on the skin surface, I'm wondering how painful a 1 cm wound will be ...
Gianpaolo R's user avatar
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What are some examples of scaling laws in biology?

I've seen that metabolic rate scales logarithmically as function of mass for many animals over an extremely large span of parameters. What other scaling laws exist at the individual level?
Hooked's user avatar
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(How) does coppicing fundamentally alter tree growth?

I am interested in adding the ability to model coppice tree production to a model of perennial crops (Miguez et al 2008).. Implementing the biomass pools and allocation parameters required for tree ...
David LeBauer's user avatar